
Hi there! Welcome to the website, I’m so excited that you are here and I hope you find the answers to your questions. 

I’m Esther, a Digital Marketer and the founder of this site. I love to see businesses grow and I know how exciting it is to start a new business, but equally how overwhelming and tiring starting and running one can be.

Having been part of a small family business, I’ve seen firsthand the struggles that many small business owners face. And on my quest to share the knowledge I’ve gathered and to make things easier for you, I created this website.  

If you’re here, then you can probably relate to what I’m saying. Maybe:

  • You are looking to start a small business.
  • You’re not sure where exactly to start.
  • You’ve started a small business already but you’re not really sure what’s next.
  • You’ve spent so much time and effort on your business but still don’t see the adequate results that you hoped for.
  • There are many good resources out there to help but most of them are simply overpriced.
  • You spend hours thinking of the next step and can’t find any information that is directly relevant to you.

If any of these sounds like you, then, again, welcome to the website!

Nobody wants to waste their time and resources investing in something that is doomed to fail.

I totally get that.

I totally understand that sometimes there’s just no time or money to do extensive research on your business before getting it started. And other times, the amount of information that you have to consider is overwhelming…

From choosing a name and a location to the legal aspects and other considerations, no doubt, it is a whole lot of work and requires a lot of effort. 

But even little effort in the right direction is extremely more beneficial than tremendous effort in the wrong direction, so channelling your effort in the right direction is a priority here. 

We want your efforts to yield positive results.

That is exactly why this website exists, to give you some guidance to help you get your business started and run it right to get the results you hope for.

Why? Because I think it would be a bummer to let your ideas go to waste when there could be a potential for tremendous success. 

Yes, I believe that your business can take off and be successful. No matter where you are at the moment or how impossible it seems. I want to see your business dreams come to reality.

Starting a business does not always mean that you need a million-dollar investment. First, we pay attention to the mindset and the blueprint.

Laying the right foundations. That’s what we are all about here.

For every business, especially mini-businesses, I like to classify its stages into these four categories; 

  • Idea generation
  • Business research
  • Business planning
  • Launching and operations

The goal of this blog is to help you navigate efficiently through these stages. To help you avoid unnecessary wastage of time and resources and channel your efforts directly to give you clear, positive results. 

You believed that you could do it, you took the first step, and that’s why you’re here. I believe in you too.

Big time.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m a Business Student and I love to see businesses grow. I’m kinda crazy about finding the secrets to business growth and nurturing a business to success. 

Apart from business, I love to play the piano (classical music in particular), read books, and learn new skills. I also love nature and scenery. 

I’m really excited that you’re here, and I can’t wait for us to bring your business dreams to life. We’ll think through your idea and navigate through the four stages I listed above.

But first, we’ll start by outlining your goals. What particularly do you want to achieve for your business?

If you’re ready, you’re welcome to download the free worksheet below and get started on setting those goals. Sign up to get this free worksheet.

Are you ready to start this business growth journey? So am I. 

Let’s get started.

Get the FREE e-Book

Sign up to grab a free copy of the business goal-setting checklist to get yourself started with discovering and planning your new business idea.