How To Start a Podcast on YouTube in 11 Easy Steps (2023 Guide) 

How To Start a Podcast on YouTube

There are a million different ways to share your voice with the world. If you’re looking for a way to build an audience and share your thoughts and ideas, you might want to start a podcast!

While podcasting is a great way to reach people who are interested in what you have to say, it can require a lot of planning and effort to get started.

In this post, we’ll go over the key steps that you need to consider when starting your own podcast on YouTube in 2023.

Let’s dive right in!

How To Start a Podcast on YouTube: Step-by-Step Guide

how to start a podcast on YouTube

Starting a video podcast is a great way to build an audience and connect with them in a more engaging, visual way. Here are the steps you need to take to get started:

1) Choose a Podcast Topic

The first step in starting your podcast is to figure out what you want to talk about on your show. This can be anything from a hobby or passion that you have to a specific topic or niche that you’re knowledgeable about.

It’s a great idea to think about how you can stand out from the crowd. This might mean choosing a unique or controversial topic or tackling niche issues that other podcasts aren’t focusing on.

When deciding what podcast topic to choose, it’s important to consider how monetizable that topic is. This means thinking about how large the potential audience for your show is and what kinds of products, services, sponsorships, or affiliate opportunities you can take advantage of.

2) Identify Your Audience

Once you’ve chosen a topic for your podcast, it’s important to identify who your podcast audience is and how you can best reach them. Who are the people that you want to connect with? What topics do they care about most?

You should also consider the search volume of the keywords and phrases related to your topic. If there are lots of people searching for information on the subjects that you want to cover, this can be a great way to build an audience.

Additionally, it can be helpful to research how competitive the market is for your topic – if there are a lot of popular podcasts or blogs already covering your subject, you may need to find ways to differentiate yourself in order to stand out.

With this information at hand, you’ll be better equipped to create content that resonates with your target audience and attracts more listeners to your podcast.

3) Develop Your Podcast Content and Format

Once you’ve identified your audience and topic, it’s time to start coming up with content ideas and how you want to structure your podcast episodes.

This might include thinking about how often you’ll publish new episodes, how long your episodes will be, and how you want to structure each episode.

Start by coming up with a list of topics that you’d like to cover on your show and how you want to present those topics. For example, do you want to focus on interviews, how-to guides, news roundups, or reviews?

You may also want to start brainstorming guest interview ideas or think about how you can incorporate other media, such as music or sound effects.

4) Create a Youtube Channel

Once you have your podcast topic, audience, and content planned out, it’s time to create your YouTube account. This will give you a space to upload episodes and share them with your audience.

To create a YouTube channel, you’ll first need to sign in with a Google account. Once you’re signed into YouTube, you can click the “My Channel” button on the top-right of your homepage to start creating your channel.

You can then give your channel a name, add a profile picture and banner image, and customize how your content is displayed.

5) Get the Right Podcasting Equipment

In order to create high-quality podcast episodes, you’ll need some essential podcasting equipment. This includes a good podcast headphone, microphone, and recording software.

There are countless options when it comes to podcasting equipment and software, so do some research to figure out what works best for your needs and budget.


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6) Write a podcast script

Once you have your podcast equipment, it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll lay out your episodes. You may not want to script every word of your podcast, as this can make your episodes feel stiff and overly formal.

However, it is a good idea to draft out an outline of what you want to say in each episode and how you want to structure the conversation. This will help keep you on track and make your episodes more organized and cohesive.

Youtube podcasts also offer an opportunity for you to make regular youtube videos, which can be a great way to create content on more than one platform as you can extract the audio files and upload them to a dedicated podcast channel.

7) Record, Edit and Produce Your First Podcast Episode

Producing content for a youtube podcast is different from how you would produce a regular video or a traditional podcast. The process is a combination of how you would create an audio podcast and how you would create a youtube video.

However, you could also decide to create a podcast video with a static image instead of filming a live video. This process may involve using audio recording software, such as Audacity or Adobe Audition, to record your voice and any other audio you want to be included in your episodes. You may also need to learn how to edit the video content and how to add music and other sound effects.

Do your research, practice, and get creative with how you can make your first episode the best it can be, but don’t spend too much time on it such that you miss out on actually getting the content out.

8) Upload and Share Your Podcast

The next thing to do is to upload your first podcast youtube video and continue uploading videos on a regular basis to start building an audience and growing your channel.

After producing your video podcast episodes, you should upload them to your podcast or YouTube channel. To ensure that your video reaches the right people, you need to optimize it for SEO and share it across your online networks.

This may involve including relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags and updating your online profiles with a link to your YouTube channel. You can also create cover art for your YouTube channel and share it on social media or use banner ads to promote your podcast.

9) Promote Your Podcast on Social Media

As with any other kind of content, promotion is essential if you want your podcast to attract an audience and grow. One of the fastest and most effective ways to promote your podcast is through social media.

Depending on how often you publish new episodes, you can share a link to your podcast episode in a regular or one-off post to your social media profiles. You can also use social media ads, such as promoted Tweets or Facebook ads, to reach more people who would be interested in your podcast.

10) Engage With Your Audience and Respond to Feedback

In order to build and maintain a loyal audience for your podcast, it’s important to engage with your listeners. This can include responding to comments and questions in the comments section of your video or via social media.

It’s also a good idea to actively engage with other podcasters and bloggers who are in your niche, as this can help you build your reputation and promote your podcast to a wider audience.

11) Analyze Your Podcast Analytics and Refine Your Strategy

Finally, as with any other online content, it’s important to regularly analyze how your Youtube channel’s performance. This can include tracking how many people are viewing your videos, how many people are subscribing to your channel, how long people are watching on average, and how many people are sharing and commenting on your videos.

Using this data, you can refine and improve your podcasting strategy over time, including how often you produce new episodes, the topics you cover, how you promote your podcast, and how you engage with your audience.

Types of Podcast Platforms

There are many different types of podcast platforms, and the one that you choose will depend on your goals and how much time, money, and effort you want to invest in your podcast.

Some of the most popular podcast platforms to consider include::

1) Apple Podcasts

Apple is the world’s largest tech company and one of the most popular places to host a podcast. As such, Apple Podcasts offers a large potential audience for your podcast and many tools to help you grow and promote your show.

However, this platform also requires a lot of technical knowledge to set up and manage, so it may not be the best option for beginners.

2) Spotify

Spotify is another popular choice for podcast hosting, thanks to its large user base and dedicated podcasting tools.

However, unlike Apple Podcasts, Spotify does not pay royalties for podcasts hosted on its platform, so creators may not see a significant return from their work on this platform.

3) Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts is a new podcast platform that was launched in 2018. This platform offers several features to help you promote and grow your podcast, including an embedded player that is easy to share across web pages.

However, at this time, the number of listeners on this platform may be significantly lower than on other platforms, which can make it more difficult to gain traction and attract an audience.

4) Podbean

Podbean is another popular podcast platform that is designed specifically for podcasters. In addition to offering a variety of tools and analytics to help you grow your show, Podbean is also one of the few platforms that pay royalties to content creators.

However, this platform can be more expensive than other options and does not offer as many features for free users.

5) YouTube

As the world’s second-largest search engine, YouTube is a powerful platform for reaching a wide audience. However, unlike other podcast platforms, it can be difficult to reach listeners on YouTube without a strong promotional strategy, as the platform is often used for video content.

The main difference between using YouTube and other podcasting platforms is that with youtube, you’ll need video files and some video editing to do, to get your podcast youtube video content formatted how you want it. However, in traditional podcasts, you need to edit podcast audio files in order to create audio content.

6) SoundCloud

SoundCloud is another popular choice for hosting podcasts due to its large user base and easy-to-use tools for promoting your content.

Soundcloud is great for podcasting, as it is easy to create a profile and start uploading your content right away.

However, this platform doesn’t offer the same level of customization as some other options, such as Podbean or Libsyn.

If you’re looking for a more user-friendly experience and don’t require a lot of customization, SoundCloud may be the right choice for you.

7) Libsyn

Libsyn, or Liberated Syndication, is a popular podcast hosting platform that offers a wide range of tools and customization options for podcasters.

Unlike some other platforms, Libsyn offers a fully integrated suite of tools to help you manage your podcast, including scheduling, tracking analytics, and more.

Another key advantage of using Libsyn is its wide range of distribution options for getting your content in front of a larger audience.

Key Considerations For Successfully Starting a Podcast on YouTube

There are many factors to consider in order to start a podcast on YouTube successfully. Here are some considerations that you should make:

1. Choosing the right platform

There are many different available for hosting and publishing podcasts, so it’s important to carefully consider which platform will be best suited to your needs.

Some popular options include SoundCloud, Libsyn, and others. Each has different strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to do your research and choose the platform that will offer the tools you need for success.

2. Creating a compelling content strategy

In order to attract and engage your audience, it’s important to have a clear and strategic content plan in place. This may include things like choosing a niche topic, incorporating popular formats and styles, and actively engaging with your audience on social media.

3. Building an engaged community

One of the key factors in launching a successful podcast is building and engaging a loyal audience. This can be achieved through consistent content production, offering value to your audience, and actively engaging with them on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

4. Utilizing social media

In addition to building your audience through content creation, it’s also important to utilize social media in order to promote and grow your podcast. This may include using paid advertising, creating shareable content, and engaging with influencers in your niche.

5. Incorporating SEO best practices

In order to attract more listeners and build a larger audience, it’s important to incorporate SEO best practices into your podcasting strategy. This may include optimizing your titles and descriptions for search, using relevant keywords in your content, and connecting with other podcasters who can promote you to their audience.

6. Investing in professional tools and services

In order to take your podcast to the next level, it can be helpful to invest in professional tools and services, such as editing software, graphic design, and more. This can help you create a more polished final product that will appeal to a wider audience.

7. Focusing on quality over quantity

Ultimately, the key to launching a successful podcast is focusing on quality over quantity. This means investing the time and energy necessary to create high-quality, engaging content that will keep your audience coming back for more. With consistency, hard work, and strategic planning, you can build a loyal following that will help take your podcast to the next level.

Does YouTube monetize podcasts?

There is no easy answer to this question, as it depends on a variety of factors. Generally speaking, YouTube tends to monetize content that attracts a large number of views, so how well your podcast performs on YouTube will depend largely on how much engagement it receives from your audience.

Additionally, you may be able to earn revenue through advertising or sponsorships, but this will also depend on how well your podcast performs in terms of views and engagements.

How do I start a podcast and get paid?

There are several steps that you can take in order to start a podcast and earn revenue. Some ways to monetize a podcast include using paid advertising, partnering with sponsors, and incorporating affiliate marketing.

Additionally, you may be able to earn revenue through YouTube by leveraging the platform’s monetization features and building an engaged audience.

However, how well your podcast performs will ultimately depend on a variety of factors, including the quality of your content, how well it is marketed, and how actively you engage with your audience on social media.

With consistent and strategic planning, however, you can start a podcast and begin earning revenue in no time.


Whether you’re looking to launch a successful podcast or simply earn some extra revenue, there are several steps that you can take to get started.

Some key steps include choosing a niche topic, incorporating popular formats and styles, and building an engaged community through consistent content production and active social media engagement.

Additionally, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity and invest in professional tools and services that will help you create a polished final product.

With hard work, strategic planning, and a commitment to success, you can start a podcast and begin earning revenue in no time. Be sure to take action on the strategies outlined in this guide, and you’re sure to be on your way to podcasting success!