22 Best Market Research Tools and Software for 2022

Market research is a must-do before starting a business, and using the right market research tools is essential to get it right.

When it comes to market research, there are so many tools that you can choose from.

But in this article, I’ve listed 22 of the best market research tools that will help you get started on your market research project today!

Without wasting time, here are some of the best tools you can use for market research:

1) Surveymonkey

Surveymonkey is one of the most popular market research tools.

It’s easy to use and offers a lot of features that businesses can take advantage of.

With SurveyMonkey, you can create surveys, questionnaires, and polls. You can also use it to collect data and analyze the results.

One of the great things about Surveymonkey is that it’s versatile.

You can use it for a wide range of market research projects, from simple surveys to complex studies.

It also has a lot of features that help you collect data and analyze it.

2) Google Forms

Google Forms is another great tool for market research.

It’s easy to use and you can create surveys, questionnaires, and polls with it.

You can also collect data and analyze the results.

With Google Forms, you can also create forms to gather data from your customers.

This is a great way to get feedback from your target market and understand their needs and wants.

Google forms is great because it’s free and it allows you to customize your questionnaires just how you want them.

3) Hotjar

Hotjar is a tool that allows businesses to see how users interact with their websites.

It’s a great tool for understanding what users are clicking on, where they’re clicking, and how they’re interacting with your website.

With Hotjar, you can also see how users are scrolling through your website. This is a great way to understand how users are engaging with your content.

You can use Hotjar to restrategize your website layout and structure in a way that is more effective.

4) UserTesting.com

UserTesting.com is a platform that allows businesses to get feedback from their target market.

With UserTesting.com, you can create videos of people using your website or app.

This is a great way to get feedback from your target market.

You can see how they’re using your website or app and what they think of it.

This is a great way to understand what works and what doesn’t work.

UserTesting.com is also great for getting feedback on your marketing campaigns.

You can see how your advertisements are being received and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

5) The Data Incubator

The Data Incubator is a platform that allows businesses to hire professional data experts.

With The Data Incubator, you can get data from different markets and industries.

This is a fantastic approach to get information that you would not be able to discover in any other place.

The Data Incubator also has a lot of different data sets that you can use for your market research project.

Some of the benefits of Data Incubator are that you can:

– Get access to data from different markets and industries

– Discover new data sets that you can use for your project

– Analyze the data to get better insights

6) Unbounce

Unbounce is a tool that helps businesses create landing pages.

With Unbounce, you can create pages that are designed to get conversions.

Unbounce is crazy helpful in increasing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

You can also use Unbounce to test different versions of your landing pages and to find out what works and what needs to be changed.

Unbounce is also great for split testing your pages. So, essentially, it helps you see which pages get more conversions, then you can leverage such pages.

Some of the key features of Unbounce include:

– Landing page builder

– A/B testing

– Split testing

7) Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a tool that allows businesses to get feedback from their target market. With Qualaroo, you can create surveys and questionnaires that are designed to get feedback from your customers.

You can also use Qualaroo to track customer behaviour and see how your customers interact with your website.

Some of the key features of Qualaroo are:

– The ability to create custom surveys and questionnaires: With Qualaroo, you can create custom surveys and questionnaires that are tailored to your specific needs. This allows you to get feedback from your customers that is relevant to your business.

– The ability to track customer behaviour: With Qualaroo, you can track customer behaviour on your website. This allows you to see how your customers interact with your website

– The ability to see how customers interact with your website: This allows you to see how your customers interact with your website and identify any areas that need improvement.

8) Mixpanel

Mixpanel is a tool that helps businesses understand how their users are interacting with their products.

Mixpanel is a free analytics service that provides businesses with insight into how many people visit their website, what they do while there, and how much time they spend on each page.

This information can help businesses understand which parts of their product are most popular and what areas need improvement.

Some of the key features of Mixpanel are:

– User profiles: With Mixpanel, businesses can see a list of all the actions a user has taken on their site, as well as basic information about that user (e.g., name, email address, location).

– Funnel analysis: Mixpanel lets businesses see how users are progressing through their products. This information can help businesses understand where users are dropping out of the funnel and make changes to improve conversion rates.

– A/B testing: Mixpanel lets businesses test different versions of their product to see which version is most successful.

9) Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a market research tool that helps businesses understand how their customers are interacting with their websites.

Kissmetrics tracks things like how many times a user has visited a website, how long they stayed on each page, and what pages they visited.

This information can help businesses understand which parts of their website are most popular and what areas need improvement.

Some of the key features of Kissmetrics are:

– User recording: see how customers interact with your website in real-time. This can help you understand what’s driving them to convert or leave your site.

– Funnel reports: see where customers are dropping out of your sales funnel and fix the problem

– A/B testing: test different versions of your website to see which is most effective

– Cohort analysis: see how different groups of customers interact with your website

10) Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a market research tool that uses Google search data to help businesses understand what people are searching for online.

This information can be helpful for understanding what topics to focus on in content marketing, what keywords to target in SEO, and even what products to sell.

Some of the key features of Answer The Public include:

– A free tool

– Results displayed as a visualization (word cloud)

– Covers a wide range of topics, including business, health, and technology

– Crowdsourced data from real people

11) Think with Google

Think with Google is a market research tool that allows businesses to see how their customers are searching for information online.

This can help businesses better understand what their customers are looking for, and how they can better serve them.

Think with Google has several features, including:

– A keyword planner that helps businesses find new keywords and understand how they’re being used in search

– Insights into how people are searching for information about their products and services online

– The ability to track competitor activity and see what terms they’re targeting

– A “Pages to Watch” feature that allows businesses to track the progress of their competitors on specific keywords

12) Google Adwords

Google Adwords is one of the most popular market research tools available online.

It allows businesses to create targeted ad campaigns based on specific keywords.

Adwords also provides detailed analytics on how well each campaign is performing.

Google Adwords is great because:

– It’s easy to use

– It provides detailed analytics

– It allows businesses to create targeted ad campaigns.

In addition, Adwords is a great tool for businesses that are looking to increase their online visibility.

13) Google Trends

Google Trends is another popular market research tool. It allows businesses to see how often certain keywords are being searched for on Google.

This can be helpful for determining the popularity of certain products or services.

Google Trends is a tool that allows businesses to see how interest in specific keywords and topics has changed over time. With Google Trends, you can see which keywords are becoming more popular and which ones are losing popularity.

You can also see how interest in specific topics changes by region and this can be helpful for determining where to focus your marketing efforts.

Some of the key features of Google Trends are:

– See how interest in specific topics has changed over time: You can see how much interest there is in a certain topic now compared to 5 years ago or 10 years ago.

– Compare interest in different topics: You can see how interest in one topic compares to another. For example, you can see how much interest there is in “marketing” compared to “SEO.”

– See how interest in specific topics changes by region: You can see how much interest there is in a certain topic in different parts of the world.

– Get insights about related topics: Google Trends also provides insights about related topics. For example, you can see how interest in “marketing” is related to interest in “social media.”

14) Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a market research tool that offers a vast amount of data for businesses to use when making decisions.

With this tool, businesses can get an idea of what people are searching for online, as well as see how many competing websites are ranking for those same keywords.

Ubersuggest also offers data on how difficult it would be to rank for a certain keyword, as well as information on the average monthly search volume and cost-per-click for that keyword.

Some of the key features of Ubersuggest are:

– Shows monthly search volume and cost-per-click for keywords: This data can help businesses understand how popular a certain keyword is, as well as how much they could potentially be spending on advertising for that keyword.

– Offers data on how difficult it would be to rank for a certain keyword: Knowing how competitive a keyword is can help businesses determine whether it’s worth targeting that keyword or not.

– Shows the number of competing websites that are ranking for those same keywords: This data can help businesses understand how difficult it would be to rank for a certain keyword and whether they should target a different keyword.

15) BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a market research tool that allows businesses to see the most popular content across all social media platforms.

With this tool, businesses can analyze what content is resonating with their target audience and create similar content that will engage their followers.

One of BuzzSumo’s best features is its ability to track competitor content.

Businesses can see what content their competitors are publishing and how it’s performing, which can give them ideas for creating their own content.

Some of the key features of BuzzSumo:

– Analyze the most popular content across all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+.

– See how competitor content is performing: Analyze what content is resonating with your target audience and create similar content that will engage your followers.

– Track competitor content: See what content your competitors are publishing and how it’s performing.

– Set up email alerts for specific topics or competitor domains: Get notified when new content is published on a specific topic or by a competitor.

– Track the reach and engagement of any URL: See how much reach and engagement a specific piece of content is getting.

– See how content is performing on social media: Get insights on how a piece of content is performing on social media.

– Free and paid plans available: BuzzSumo offers both a free and paid plan.

16) SEMrush

SEMrush is a market research tool that allows businesses to see what keywords their competitors are ranking for and how much traffic they’re getting from those keywords.

With SEMrush, businesses can also spy on their competitors’ AdWords campaigns to see what keywords they’re targeting and how much money they’re spending on those keywords.

Some of the key features of SEMrush:

– See what keywords your competitors are ranking for and how much traffic they’re getting from those keywords

– Spy on your competitors’ AdWords campaigns to see what keywords they’re targeting and how much money they’re spending on those keywords

– See the organic and paid search competition for any keyword

– Get information on the top ads for any keyword

– Research any website to see how they’re ranking in organic search

– See what social media networks your competitors are using and what kind of content they’re sharing.

17) Qualitrics

Qualitrics is a market research software company that offers a wide range of solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Their software is designed to help with everything from customer feedback to competitor analysis.

They also offer a wide range of services, including custom research, training, and consulting.

Some of the key features of Qualitrics are:

– A wide range of research solutions: Qualitrics offers a wide range of research solutions, from customer feedback to competitor analysis. This makes it a great option for businesses of all sizes.

– Custom research: Qualitrics also offers custom research services, so you can get exactly the data you need.

– Comprehensive training and support: Qualitrics provides comprehensive training and support, so you can get the most out of their software.

– Wide range of services: in addition to software, Qualitrics also offers a range of services, including custom research, training, and consulting.

18) SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is one of the most popular online market research tools. It allows you to create and send surveys to your target audience, and then analyze the results.

One of the best features of SurveyMonkey is that you can create custom surveys, which is great for businesses that want to target a specific audience.

You can also integrate SurveyMonkey with other software, such as Salesforce, which makes it easy to track your survey results.

Some features of SurveyMonkey include:

– Create custom surveys: Tailor your surveys to target a specific audience.

– Integrate with other software: Easily track your survey results with other software.

– Analyze results: View detailed reports on survey results.

19) Social Mention

Social Mention is a market research tool that allows businesses to monitor user-generated content on the internet.

This software offers real-time data and insights on what people are saying about a particular topic or brand.

One of the things that make Social Mention very unique is the ability to monitor user-generated content in real-time.

This means that businesses can see what people are saying about them as it happens. This is a great tool for crisis management and for getting real-time feedback on products and services.

Some of the key features of social mention include:

– Monitoring user-generated content in real-time: businesses can see what people are saying about them as it happens

– Sentiment analysis: social mention analyzes the sentiment of user-generated content, giving businesses a better understanding of how people feel about them

– Hashtag tracking: businesses can track the use of hashtags related to their brand or topic

– Google alerts integration: businesses can get alerts when people mention their brand or topic on the internet

– Trending topics: social mention shows businesses which topics are trending so that they can capitalize on the latest trends

– Location tracking: businesses can see where mentions are coming from around the world

20) Talkwalker

Talkwalker is a market research tool that allows businesses to monitor their brand and competitors online.

The tool also tracks online sentiment to help businesses understand how the public is reacting to their brand.

One of the main features of Talkwalker is the ability to track and analyze social media data. This allows businesses to see what people are saying about their brand online, as well as competitor brands.

Some of the key features of Talkwalker include:

– Social media monitoring: Monitor conversations about your brand and competitors on social media.

– Sentiment analysis: Understand how people are reacting to your brand online.

– competitor analysis: See what people are saying about your competitors online.

21) Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is a market research tool that allows businesses to target their ads to specific demographics.

For example, you can target people in a certain age group, location, or interests. This tool can be helpful for businesses that want to specifically target their audience.

Some key features of Facebook ads include:

– Targeting: You can target your ads to specific demographics, including location, age, gender, and interests.

– Customizable: You can customize your ads to match your brand or business.

– Measurement: You can measure the results of your ads to see how well they are performing.

22) SWOT Analysis

As you’ve seen, there are several market research tools online.

But this article wouldn’t be complete without talking about SWOT analysis.

SWOT Analysis is a market research tool that helps businesses assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

This tool can be helpful for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

There are a number of different SWOT analysis tools available online, both free and paid.

To learn more about SWOT analysis, check out this post

Some of the most popular SWOT analysis tools include:

– Strengths Finder

– Wheel of Fortune

– MyPlanner

– The Business Planner

When using a SWOT analysis tool, be sure to consider the following factors:

– Your company’s strengths and weaknesses

– The opportunities and threats in your industry

– Your target market

– Your competition


The market is a constantly changing and evolving place. To stay on top of all the changes, you need to develop an awareness of what’s happening in your industry. The best way to do this is through market research.

There are a variety of different market research tools and software available, both online and offline. The most important thing is to find the tools and software that fit your needs and budget.

The 22 market research tools and software listed in this article are a great place to start. But remember, the best market research tool is the one that works best for you and your business. So be sure to explore all your options and find the tool that’s right for you.

Thank you for reading! See you in the next post.

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