How To Start a Blog in 2022: The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Learn how to start a blog in 2022, even as a complete beginner! This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, from choosing a blogging topic and niche, creating and launching your blog, to writing and publishing your first blog posts. By the time you’ve finished reading it, you will have all the information you need to start a blog today, NO excuses 🙂

So if you’re ready to start a blog in 2022, read on!

How To Start a Blog in 9 Simple Steps:

  1. Choose a blogging topic and niche
  2. Select a web host and register a domain name
  3. Install WordPress
  4. Choose and set up your blog theme and plugins
  5. Set up your blog pages and designs
  6. Write some amazing blog posts
  7. Promote your blog and attract followers
  8. Make money blogging
  9. Grow your blog

1. Choose a blogging topic and niche

Before you can start your blog, you need to choose a specific topic that you would like to write about (not something generic like fashion or DIY).

Make sure it’s something you are passionate about and has enough depth to support multiple posts.

Think of the topics you find yourself talking about over and over again with friends, family, or colleagues. That can be an indication of how much passion you have for the topic.

However, passion is not enough. You also have to consider other things apart from your passion for the topic.

Another thing that you need to consider is the profitability of the topic.

Is there a market for the topic you will be blogging about? Are other people blogging about that topic, and if not, why?

Most times people wrongly assume that because no one is blogging about a topic, it must be an unexplored opportunity.

That could be true, but it’s not always the case so you have to be careful to figure out why no one is blogging about a topic – because it could just be that it is not a profitable niche.

Remember, your ultimate aim for starting a blog is to make more money, no matter how passionate you are about the niche.

Here are the 3 main things that you need to consider when it comes to choosing a blogging niche:

  • Are people searching for the topic?
  • How do you envision monetizing your blog in the future? Are there opportunities for you? (We’ll talk more about monetization a bit later in this post).
  • Do you have an interest in the topic?

After choosing your blogging topic or niche, you need to move on to the next thing – taking your site online.

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2. Select a web host and register a domain name

You can’t start blogging until you have an online platform to blog on, so this is the next thing you need to do.

First, you need to choose a domain name.

Choose a domain name

A domain name is how your blog address will be located and how people will find you.

An example of a domain is –

It’s a really good idea to choose a name that relates to your blogging topic.

Or better still, you can use your real name as your blog’s domain name.

For example –

The advantage of using your actual name as your domain name is that you’re not trapped in a box – if you want to change your niche in the future and expand to other topics.

However, it’s up to you to decide what is the best option for you.

If you feel that you would be sticking to your niche in the long term and you would like to dedicate your entire blog to just one topic then you should go ahead and choose the domain name that reflects your niche.

Just keep in mind that doing that could limit your range of topics in the future.

Once you’ve thought of a domain name, you’re almost set to get your site up and running.

Next, you need to register your domain name and get website hosting.

Set Up Your Website Hosting

To set up your site. First, you need to go and purchase a domain name from a registrar.

There are several domain registrars, but I recommend Bluehost. Why?

Bluehost is super affordable, starting at just $2.95 per month!

But also, they’re the makers of WordPress – which is the platform that almost every blog uses (including your blog!).

The best thing about Bluehost is that they are super easy to use, their customer service is excellent – so if you ever get stuck on anything, it’s very easy to get the help you need.

Alrighty, let’s get your site set up.

Steps to set up your site:

1. Visit Bluehost and click on “Host Your Site” or “Get Started” – Use this link to get a 60% discount on your plan.

2. Choose any of the plans – the Basic Plan is great just to get you started, but if you’re thinking of creating other sites in the future you should consider the Choice plan.

Note: You can always upgrade your plan in the future, it’s usually a smooth process, so don’t worry too much about what plan to select right now – the Basic Plan is the most affordable and the Choice Plan is great if you’re thinking of creating multiple sites. But the most important thing is to get started 🙂

3. Once you’ve chosen a plan, click “select”

4. You will be taken to a page where you can now select your domain. Under “create your domain”, type in your domain name – make sure it is not taken.

If you have a pre-existing domain name that you would like to use, you can use your previous domain as well.

But I’m assuming you don’t have a domain yet so choose the “create a domain” option and click “next”.

You also have the option of skipping this step completely if you don’t have any name in mind yet.

All you have to do is scroll to the bottom of that page and click “I’ll create my domain later.”

5. At this point you will see if your domain is available. If it is, you can scroll down and fill out your account information.

If your domain is not available you can select another name and keep trying until you find an available domain name and make sure you like it too.

Sometimes it does take a lot of creativity to come up with a name that works for you.

Next, fill out your account information.

6. After filling out your account information, scroll down to fill out your package information, then click the dropdown to select the plan that works for you.

Select how long you want to register your domain for – the larger amount of time you choose, the cheaper it is for you.

For a start, I recommend going forward with the 12-month price but if you don’t mind spending more on a domain right now, you can select the 36-month price or above.

7. Next select your package extras – you can remove every other option except domain privacy protection – honestly, I don’t think you need any of those options except you think you specifically need them.

8. Next enter your payment information, check the agreement terms, and click submit.

At this point, you have successfully set up your hosting and domain and you should be taken to a page where it shows that your purchase was successful – stay on this page for now. We’ll come back to it in a minute.

You’ll also be sent an email containing all the information you need to set up your blog.

You wouldn’t be needing that, but it’s good to have it for reference – just in case you run into any problems.

Next, you need to set up your WordPress site. I’ll show you how to do this in the next step.

Ready to start? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

3. Install WordPress

Now that you have purchased your domain name and set up your site with Bluehost, it’s time to install WordPress.

There are two types of WordPress accounts.

Self-hosted (WordPress) sites and WordPress-hosted (WordPress) sites, LOL

I hope this is not confusing, but don’t worry about it because Bluehost sets everything up for you automatically.

With a self-hosted WordPress site, you have complete control over your site – the name, design, ads displayed on your site, etc.

WordPress-hosted sites are hosted by WordPress, so it doesn’t give you total control over your domain name, design, and ad placement.

You don’t want that.

However, you don’t need to worry about that at all because, with the next steps, I’ll show you exactly how to set up your WordPress blog step-by-step.

Let’s go!

Set up WordPress

So how do you install WordPress?

With Bluehost, setting up WordPress is very easy. With one click you can get WordPress installed straight into your dashboard.

Steps to install WordPress:

  1. Go back to the page where it says your purchase was a success. Click on the button that says “create account”.

2. You’ll be taken to a page where you can create a password for your domain. Type in a strong password or generate a password with your browser. Make sure to save your password so you don’t forget it. But even if you do, don’t worry, you can always recover it.

3. After creating your password, log in to your account with the password you just created and click “login”.

4. At this point, you need to set up your site. Answer the questions about your site.

  • First, you need to give your site a name. For example, my site’s name is The Ace Business, so it could be from your domain name you don’t have to choose a new name.
  • Now you need to select a tagline for your site and that’s pretty much a summary of what your site does. For example, my tagline is “start and grow your business like a pro”. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy it could just be 3 to 10 words.
  • Select if you want a blog and an online store. However, you don’t have to worry about setting up an online store right now – you can always upgrade and make changes later for now just select yes for the question that says do you want a blog and click “Continue”.

5. Answer all the questions about you and your goals. Check everything that applies to you.

Then click “continue”

6. You’ll be taken to a page where you can select a theme for your blog.

Scroll to the bottom and click “skip this step” because I’ll show you an easier way to select and customize your blog theme.

You’ve successfully set up your Bluehost account and WordPress too. Now you’ll be taken to your Bluehost dashboard.

This is what your dashboard would look like.

Ready to get started? Get a site with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month – 60% off with this link.

4. Choose and set up your blog theme and plugins

Now you’ve set up your WordPress account on your Bluehost dashboard, click on “WordPress” and you will be taken to your WordPress dashboard.

You’ll be taken to your WordPress dashboard which should look like this:

This is the time to design and spice up your site.

We’ll do this by setting up a beautiful blog theme that you can easily customize to your taste.

There are thousands of themes that you could choose from when deciding on a WordPress design.

For a start, one of my best themes is Astra.

It comes with several free themes, it’s fast, and easy to use.

However, if you think you want a more specific design or different template, Astra also has premium themes that you can choose from.

Here’s how to install and customize the Astra theme on your blog:

  1. At the left side of your WordPress dashboard, you’ll see a long menu list. Click on the appearance option.

2. Under appearance, click on themes, and on the right side of the screen

3. You’ll see the themes that are installed on your blog. Click on the box that says “add a new theme”.

4. On the next page, using the search box at the right side of the screen search for Astra.

5. Click on “install”, and once it’s installed, click on “activate”.

Now you’ve installed Astra, it’s time to customize your site.

Astra has several templates both free and premium. You can either choose any, but if you want to start with one of the free templates, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go back to your WordPress dashboard and on the left side of the menu, click on “plugins”.

2. On the plugins page, click on “add new”.

3. Using the search bar search for “Starter Templates – Elementor, WordPress & Beaver Builder Templates”

4. Install the plugin and activate it.

Now you set up the Astra free templates plugin, all you need to do is import a template that you love the most.

You can always change the content and the design of the template to make it suit your brand and I’ll show you exactly how to do this.

  1. Go back to your WordPress dashboard, on the left menu click on “appearance”.

2. Click on the option that says “starter templates” and click on build your website now”

3. You need to select a page builder – which we will get to very soon. For now, select “Elementor”.

4. Here, you’ll see many options and you can filter the sites to find one that works best for you.

Once you find a site that you like, click on “import site”. Editing any of those sites is super duper easy and I’ll show you how to do it, so don’t worry about it at all.

5. If you would rather go for a premium theme, you can always choose any of Astra’s themes and set it up just like you would a free theme.

6. Once you’ve imported your site, now you need to customize it to your blog’s taste.

7. Once your site is done importing click on “view site”. This is where you can customize your site and design it to your taste.

If you’ve gotten to this point, I’m sure you’re very excited at the look of your site already.

Now, you just need to set up a few basic plugins that will help your site perform better:

Install your WordPress Plugins:

WordPress has thousands and thousands of plugins that can make your site perform astronomically better.

Here are a few plugins that you need to have on your new site:

1. Elementor

Elementor is one of the best page builders for WordPress.

You can use Elementor to design your site and your themes to be customized to your taste and your brand.

There’s a free version of Elementor but the pro version includes so many extra features that could help you customize your sites better.

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a great tool to help your content rank on Google.

You can use Yoast to target a specific keyword for your blog posts and optimize your meta titles and meta descriptions.

3. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms allows you to create custom forms for your WordPress site.

You can use Ninja Forms to create contact forms, registration forms, and other types of forms you need for your site.

GDPR is a set of regulations that were created to protect how user data can be used.

The GDPR Cookie Consent plugin lets you create a cookie notice and consent message for visitors on your website to make sure you are compliant with GDPR.

It’s easy-to-use and has three different templates: one for the EU, one that complies with US law, and one that is customized for your own needs.

Now you’ve set up the important plugins on your site, next we will customize your site and make it look even more stunning and in line with your brand.

Let’s do it!

Ready to start? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

5. Set up your blog pages and designs

Designing your blog pages is very easy.

But first, you need to make sure you have the Elementor plugin which is what you’ll be using to customize your site.

Here’s how to get Elementor:

– To install Elementor, go to the Plugins menu in your WordPress Dashboard and search for “Elementor”.

– Click on the Install button and then Activate the plugin.

– Once you have installed Elementor, you will see the Elementor icon in your WordPress toolbar.

– Click on the icon to open up the Elementor page builder. You can also access it by going to Appearance > Elementor.

– Now that you have installed and activated Elementor, it’s time to continue customizing your site!

The next thing you need to do is to start designing your pages. There are several important pages that you need to set up for your blog.

First, let’s set up your home and about pages:

Home page

Your homepage is the most important page on your entire site because it’s the first page that people will be taken to when they first arrive at your site.

The most important thing you should have in mind when building your home page is clarity.

When a user lands on your home page they should immediately understand what you do on your site and what action you want them to take.

As a new blogger, your aim is to get as much traffic as you can to your site and better still, recurring traffic.

With that in mind here are a few things that your homepage should have as you design your page with Elementor.

Your homepage should have:

  • A hero section with a great image that illustrates what you blog about. It’s also a great idea to use your face if it’s relevant to your blog – it builds trust between you and your readers.
  • A headline that creates clarity about what you do on your site.
  • A subheadline that goes into a little bit of detail on what you promise to offer on your site.
  • A call to action CTA, telling readers to do a certain thing. For example, taking them to a special page like your about page, subscribing your readers to an email list, linking to a specific post.
  • Links to your best posts – or at this point, it’s more sensible to link to your most recent posts, since you’re just getting started.

The main aim of your homepage is to make sure that you communicate to your readers what you’re doing on your site and let them know how you can help them through your content.

Let’s move to the next page that you need to design.

About Page

Your about page should help your readers understand more about you and what you do on your site.

This is really where you go into detail about yourself, and your site.

Try to build a connection with your readers here – letting them know a bit more about you is the best way to build a bond with them.

Your about page should have:

  • A section about you – Be as human as you can and tell a story that can help people connect with you.
  • Write about your motivation for starting your blog – How did you get started? What made you so passionate about this topic? How did you become an expert in the topic?
  • Who do you want to help through your blog? How will your blog help them? How can they become a part of your community?
  • what are the goals for your blog now and how is it progressing towards those goals
  • Have a Call To Action – Your about page is another great place to use CTAs. You can ask your readers to subscribe to an email list or direct them to a post. The idea is to tell them the next step to take.

There are other pages that every blog site needs to have. We’ll come back to each of them in detail. But, here’s a quick summary of all the pages that your site needs:

  • Contact Page – You need to set up a page where people can contact you. It should have a basic contact form and you could also put links to your social media pages so that people can contact you easily if they have any inquiries.
  • Privacy Policy– You need to create a page that discusses everything about the users’ privacy and how it will be managed on your site. On your privacy policy, you must include all the information that will be collected about the user and any disclaimers you need to make about your site. There are so many free and paid privacy policy templates that you can find online. Termly is a great software for setting up a custom privacy policy. They also have free templates you can download from their blog.
  • Terms and Conditions – Just like a privacy policy, you also need to create a terms and conditions page that outlines everything the user needs to know about how they should use the site and the things that they should not do on the site in other words the things that are forbidden on the site and what actions you will take in the case of the infringement of any of those rules.
  • Blog archive – You also need to create a page where all your blog posts will be listed and that is your blog archive page but for you to be able to create a blog archive page you need to have blog posts published on your site and ready to be read by your viewers. However, at this point, you don’t have blog posts yet so that’s what we’ll be talking about next.

Ready to start? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

6. Write some amazing blog posts

If you’ve gotten to this point, I have to say, congratulations! You’re almost ready to launch your new blog!

Now, we’re going to focus on how you can write your blog posts. This is important because your blog post sets the tone for how people will perceive your content and how they’ll come back to visit again.

A lot of bloggers make some mistakes when writing their first posts – but I’ll show you exactly what to avoid and also what you should do when writing your posts.

With a blog, you can generate a lot of traffic on Google and potentially make a lot of money online.

But you have to do it the right way.

Let’s start with the first important thing – research.

Find a good topic and keywords

To get traffic to your blog, you need to write posts that people are searching for. No matter how great your writing is, or even the topic you’re writing about, if no one is searching for it, you can’t grow your blog.

This is why keyword research is important. You need to find out how many people search for certain topics every month before you start writing.

If there aren’t enough people searching for the topic, you should find a better topic that is worth writing about.

You can use a variety of tools to help you with your keyword research, but the most popular tool is Google Keyword Planner.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is a tool that helps you find out how many people are searching for certain keywords every month.

You can also use it to find related keywords, as well as information on how much competition there is for those keywords.

To use the Google Keyword Planner, you’ll need to create a Google AdWords account.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to access the Google Keyword Planner tool.

The first thing you want to do is type in your main keyword into the search box of the planner.

As an example, let’s say that you’re starting a new travel blog and you want to write about how people can plan their holidays on a budget.

So you type in “how to plan holidays on a budget” into the search box and click “enter”.

This will bring up all related keywords for how to plan your holiday on a budget.

Then, you start looking through the results to see if any are worth writing about.


Another great tool that you can use for keyword research is Ubersuggest.

Ubersuggest helps you find other keywords related to your main keyword and also lets you know how many people are searching for those keywords every month, and how much competition there is for those keywords.

You don’t want to go for a keyword that is too competitive, especially as a new blogger, because chances are your posts will never be found.

Here are the three main things to consider when performing keyword research:

  • Search volume – How many people search for the keyword every month?
  • Keyword difficulty – How easy is it to rank for that keyword? How many big sites are on page one for that keyword on Google?
  • Competition – Are there many people trying to rank for that keyword? If so, you should try looking for a keyword that has less competition but a high search volume and low keyword difficulty.

Make a list of 10 – 20 keywords that you want to focus on in your next few posts.

This helps you save time – so that you don’t have to keep going back to find out what keywords you should write about each time you want to write a post.

Write Your Blog Posts

Now that you know how to find related keywords for your main keyword, as well as how many people search for those keywords every month, it’s time to start writing your first blog posts

Here are some guidelines for writing your blog posts:

  • Outline and break your posts into different sections to make them easy to follow.
  • Use heading tags – H1 for your title, H2 for other important sections, H3 for subsections.
  • Make sure that your posts are roughly around 2000 words and above. Long-form content usually does better than short-form content simply because there are so many posts online. More value equals more traffic.
  • Avoid fluff in your content, and give REAL value to your readers by only writing helpful and important content.
  • Add images and graphics to break up your content. Don’t write long paragraphs of content without giving people a breather.
  • Link to other posts that you’ve made and also to external posts. This shows your credibility and increases the authority of your site over time.
  • Don’t use a tiny font, your font should be somewhere around 16 to 20 pixels. This way, it’s easier for people to read your post and to scan through as well.
  • Write your posts the way you talk, be conversational, when people feel that they’re having a conversation with you, they’re likely to come back to read more of your posts for this reason.
  • Have fun with writing. The moment you begin to see blogging as just another piece of work to do, it will become very boring and exhausting.

After writing your blog post, you need to make sure it’s optimized for SEO.

Here are some of the things you need to do in each post to make sure that it’s properly optimized:

  • Include your keywords in the title of your blog posts.
  • Write a meta description that includes your keywords. This meta description will go into Yoast SEO when you’re publishing your post.
  • Use H2 and H3 tags that include your keywords.
  • Include your keywords several times in your posts – but don’t overdo it – make sure it comes naturally.
  • Include your keywords in the URL of your post. For example, if you’re writing a post about “best dishwasher soaps”, your URL should look something like this –
  • Every image you use should have an alt tag that includes your keywords if applicable.

If you do these few things, you’ll be able to rank your website for sure, as long as you’re targeting the right keywords and they have a reasonable level of competition and difficulty.

Write a few blog posts and have them under your belt. 5 to 10 posts is a good number for start.

Don’t let imposter syndrome or perfectionism stop you from publishing your posts.

A blog post is not like a YouTube video or a post on any other platform where you can’t make changes once you’ve published.

You can take your time to write your post, but don’t take too much time because you can always come back and make changes to improve your content.

Congratulations! At this point, you are ready to launch your blog. You can go ahead and start promoting your blog – which is what we’ll talk about in the next step.

Ready to start? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

7. Promote your blog and attract followers

After launching your blog, you need to start getting people to view your content.

No matter how great your content is, without traffic, it’s like a tree falling in an empty forest.

Here are some practical and effective ways to get traffic and attract followers:

Optimize your website for SEO

This seems obvious but you need to make sure that your blog posts are optimized for Search Engine Optimization

I’ve talked about SEO quite a bit in this post. I can’t overemphasize its importance.

If you don’t do your on-page SEO correctly, you don’t stand a chance of ranking on Google.

Here’s a summary of the key SEO elements that you need to include in your website:

  • Headings tags
  • Meta description
  • URL structure
  • Internal and external links
  • A good title with keywords in it

Good on-page SEO means including the right keywords at the start of each blog post.

It also means making sure that your images have the right alt tags and the images are on-topic with your blog post topic.

I recommend signing up for Google Analytics, Google search console, and Google Adwords – they’re all free.

With these tools, you can analyze your content over and over again and it gives you the information you need to know about how well your posts are performing and what you need to change

Take these statistics and analytics into consideration every time you do research and every time you create new posts.

If you’re able to make improvements on your site based on the recommendations you’ll receive from these tools, you will rank on Google for sure

Be consistent with your content publishing

The best way to promote your blog is by being consistent.

Blogging involves a lot of consistency. You have to keep at it day after day, week after week, and month after month.

Maybe not EVERY day, but you need to create new content every week.

One of the keys to growing an audience is how much effort you put into your blog every month.

If you have a day job and you can only spend 30 minutes a day on your blog, how many posts do you think you can write in a month?

For the most part, how successful your blog is going to be will depend on how much time you have and how consistent you are with your content.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to get your blog in front of a new audience.

It’s basically how websites get traffic and how people who write great content that gets read by thousands of people get recognized.

You can also build high-quality backlinks by guest blogging.

When you make a guest post on another site, you can include a link back to your blog in the author bio, and this can help to drive traffic back to your site.

The hand truth is that guest blogging involves outreach, so you’ll need to search for blogs in your niche and reach out to them.

Contact higher authority blogs in your niche – simply using Google search results to find them.

Then, send them an email – make sure that you’re providing value to them or they’ll have no incentive to let you write on their websites.

Telling them that your posts will be beneficial to their audience is not enough.

Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your website.

This is a great way to improve your website’s SEO, as it can help to improve your SEO ranking.

There are several ways that you can go about acquiring links for your website, and the most effective approach will vary depending on your website and the industry that you’re in.

Some of the most effective ways to build links for your website are:

  • Guest blogging – I’ve talked about this quite a bit already but guest blogging is one of the best ways to build links to your site. If you can have the opportunity to write a guest post on a very high traffic website then you have a huge opportunity to increase your domain authority rank higher on Google and get more traffic to your site
  • Infographics – Infographics are another great way to build links to your site. Everybody loves a good breakdown of information and infographics tend to be a perfect way to condense a lot of information into a graphic that people will be glad to link to when they use.
  • Statistical posts – Just like infographics, original statistical posts tend to get a lot of links because people love information.
  • Pillar posts – The longer your content is, that’s assuming that there’s no fluff in it, the more valuable it is. When people see your post as highly valuable, they’ll be glad to link to it.
  • Competitor analysis – Another great strategy to build links is researching your competitors and finding out who is linking out to them, then you can reach out to those people and find out if they would also be interested in linking out to you in their blog posts. But remember that it’s very important for you to provide value to whoever you’re reaching out to – otherwise, they’ll have no incentive to accept your offer and link out to you.

So you could offer to create a guest post on their site and as your site gains authority, you could also offer to link out to them on your blog posts as well.

Use the power of social media to promote your blog

Promoting your blog using social media can be effective, but it requires a lot of work.

If you choose to share each post on multiple social media sites, then it can help bring in lots of traffic and grow your following.

However, you may find that sharing your posts on lots of different sites each time isn’t the best use of your time.

Instead, you could consider how to promote your blog on social media without all the work.

For example, you could automate sharing of your posts on Facebook and Twitter using a tool like Buffer or Hootsuite.

For Facebook and Instagram, you can use Creator Studio to schedule your posts.

You can also get more traffic to your blog by sharing your best content more than once.

For example, you could take your most popular post and write a slightly different angle on it (like how to start a blog in 2022), then share it with your audience who might not have seen the original post.

This is another way of getting traffic to your blog without working too hard.

Building an email list

A great way to build a list of followers is by building an email list.

Email marketing remains one of the best ways to get in touch with people who have opted into receiving updates from you.

When they opt into your email list, you can let them know about new blog posts, inform them about promotions or products that are available, send exclusive content only available via email, and much more.

You can also send great quality and useful freebies to your email list subscribers.

This will not only boost your email list but also help you establish credibility with your readers.

Your email list can become a cash cow for you in the future so it is important to build an email list while starting up your blog.

There are many tools available to help you grow your email list, including MailChimp, Aweber, and Get Response.

When you start your blog, always ensure that you have an easy-to-use subscription form on your site.


Using Pinterest to promote your blog and drive traffic to your blog is a great idea.

It is not only very simple to use but also allows you to reach an entirely new audience that may never have visited your blog before.

If you create interesting images, how-to guides, and infographics, they can go viral in no time.

Although it can take some time to build your Pinterest following, you will start seeing results once people start re-pinning your posts.

If you are unable to come up with original images and how-to guides, many sites offer royalty-free pictures and infographics which you can repurpose for your blog.

One of the best tools to use is Canva which makes it very easy to create beautiful images for your blog posts.

There are a lot of ways to promote your blog and I’ll continue to update this guide to keep you in the loop about getting your blog out there for people to see.

Let’s move on to the next thing, which is how to make money with blogging.

Ready to start? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

8. Make money blogging

Making money with your blog is the main goal right?

If you’ve done all the work setting up your blog, optimizing it, writing posts, reaching out to new people, and you’re unable to monetize your blog, it would be so discouraging.

I won’t be going into details about how to make money blogging in this post but in my future posts, I will be talking about that in detail.

Make sure to subscribe to my email list to be notified when I release a new post.

So how can you make money blogging?

Here are a few ways that you can monetize your blog in 2022:

Sell a service

You may be surprised to hear this – but when you’re just starting your blog it’s very difficult to make any money at first.

That’s why it’s super important for you to start by selling a service.

You could start by selling content writing, Search Engine Optimization, consultation for whatever you’re talking about on your blog, graphic design, etc.

Remember you are the expert and you have a valuable service to offer.

Affiliate marketing

When your blog begins to generate traffic, the next method of monetization that you need to start considering is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is great because you’re promoting a product that you don’t own but you get a commission for each sale you make.

Most affiliate programs require you to have a level of traffic to your blog so your goal when you’re first starting your blog is to provide as much value and do as much outreach as you can to get that initial traffic.

There are several affiliate programs that you can join but just make sure that they are related to what you talk about on your blog.

Also, make sure that you believe in whatever affiliate program you are promoting.


As your blog continues to grow in traffic, advertisement would become an attractive way to make money from your blog.

There are two main types of advertisements you could do.

The first is based on clicks, which means that you get paid based on the number of people that click through the displayed ad.

The second type is based on views so this type doesn’t require people to click through – it only requires people to view the advertisement.

However, all types of advertisements work best when you have a lot of traffic

Sell a product

Now, this is different from selling a service, through this method you’re selling something like a course, an eBook, or some other kind of digital service that you’ve created.

This is a great way to make money, but you need to have a reasonable number of people in your email list that you could sell your product to.

This is why at the beginning of your blogging, you need to start building your email list by creating something valuable that people would want to have – like a free course, free ebook, or anything valuable.

However, selling a product is one of the best ways to make money online because you get to be in total control of your money and of the product you’re selling.


Another awesome way and one of the best ways to make money through your blog is through sponsorships.

Through this method, brands pay you to promote their brand or one of their products.

For you to make use of sponsorships as a way of making money through your blog, you need to have for sure a large number of people visiting your blog.

But you also need to have a loyal fanbase that wouldn’t see your sponsorships as weird or pushy.

You must have built a lot of value in the past and a lot of trust with your readers.

Once you have achieved that, sponsorships are one of the best ways to make money through blogging.

Brands could either reach out to you and make an offer, or you could reach out to brands and ask for sponsorship if the brand is related to your niche.

These are the best ways to make money online, but if you’re just getting started, you can focus on building traffic while you sell a service.

But don’t worry, with time, if you follow all the steps I’ve outlined in this post, you’ll eventually be able to make money through your blog organically and without having to continue selling a service.

We’ve gone a long way on this post and we’re now going to the last step of starting your blog.

Ready to take action? Get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

9. Grow your blog in 2022

If you read and up to this point, I have to say that I’m so proud of you.

If you have followed this guide step-by-step, you would be on the right track to expanding your influence, growing your brand, and making a lot of money online.

There are still a few things to consider if you want to continue growing your blog in 2022.

Here are some things you should do:

  • Stay consistent with your blogging
  • Plan ahead and have a spreadsheet of ongoing keywords and topics that you would be writing about.
  • Write as many guest posts as you can to start your link-building process.
  • Make sure your posts are optimized and keep looking out for valuable keywords that you can easily rank for.
  • Keep learning and investing in yourself. Google strategies and the algorithm continues to change, so make sure that your content is evolving.

If you follow all the steps outlined in this post I have no doubt that you’ll be able to start a successful blog that makes you money in 12 months from now.

Get you blog started with Bluehost today – 60% off with this link.


As you can see, starting a blog requires a lot of steps, but when you have a guide that walks you through everything step-by-step, you can move much faster.

In this post, I’ve walked you through every single thing, or most things you need to know about starting a blog.

If you have any questions whatsoever, just leave me a comment and I’ll respond to your question with as much help as I can.

In this post I talked about how to start your blog in 2022 in nine steps:

  1. Choose a blogging topic and niche
  2. Select a web host and register a domain name
  3. Install WordPress
  4. Choose and set up your blog theme and plugins
  5. Set up your blog pages and designs
  6. Write some amazing blog posts
  7. Promote your blog and attract followers
  8. Make money blogging
  9. Grow your blog

Now you’ve learned how to start a blog in 2022, don’t let anything hold you back from taking the first steps today.

If you’re ready to take the leap, you can get your blog started with Bluehost today for just $2.95/month. Get 60% off with this link.

There are several other ways to make money online. On this website, I talk about blogging, online businesses, and business startup.

If you want to stay updated about the different opportunities available to you online, make sure you subscribe to my email list below where I’ll keep you updated on new opportunities.

I have other guides that you might find helpful as well :

Thank you for reading up to the end. It’s time to take the next step and get your blog started TODAY.

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